Sunday, November 25, 2007

Home From China!!!

I have soooo neglected my blog! Let me tell you life is busy with four little ones running around, but I am going to start to get back on track. We have been home from China 8 weeks, and Maggie is adjusting so well. Maggie now speaks 15-20 English words, she eats everything in sight, loves her brothers and to be honest with you, it seems like she has always been with us. She is smart, curious, and seems to be very happy. Her two older brothers Joseph and Harrison are so good with her, they really love her!! Patrick now on the other hand is having a little bit of a hard time, getting use to his new baby sister! He is getting better, I figure time will make things better, we are all still adjusting. China was eye opening, our trip was much more difficult than I ever imagined. Maggie was completely traumatized, and it took her four days to warm up to us. She was so sad and dispondent, I had incredible guilt taking her away from her foster mom. She was very attached to her and she clearly greived her loss. I missed the boys so much, it was one of the hardest experiences of my life. Everything we went through was worth it all, to have our beautiful girl! Everyday I look at her I still can't believe she is ours, God is good, we are so lucky!

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