Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Maggie!

Maggie turned two on December 16th!! I am so happy our beautiful girl is here and we could celebrate her birthday together as a family! She had a great time celebrating, her entire family spoiled her, and everything was perfect! She is such a gift, we are so lucky!!!

Maggie Playing with her Birthday presents with big Brothers Patrick and Harrison!


KatieMSteele said...

Dear Amy and Joe,
I received a link to your family's blog from Helena's mom (from Amy's mom). I was so moved and just wanted to say what a beautiful family you have. It's sounds like it's been a wild adventure making Maggie a part of your family. As a mother of 3 boys as well, I can imagine how special this has all been. Congratulations! It certainly seems like the last 10 years have been good to you both. Strange to think the last time we saw one another was your wedding and here you are a family of 6!!!
Best wishes,

Katie (Maguire) Steele

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