Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Patrick

Well we started off the weekend with big plans. Joe and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary on Friday, we had reservations for dinner at a fancy restaurant in Boston. We left the kids with my Mom, and headed into Boston! About halfway through dinner the cell phone rang, and Patrick was not feeling too good. We headed home, and then made the decision it was time to take a trip to the emergency room. Patrick had a fever of 105, was weak, lethargic and couldn't even walk. After a wait that seemed endless, Patrick was seen and we soon found out he had pneumonia! The poor guy turned 4, in the emergency room. We did have his doctor and nurse figure out it was his birthday, and they came in and sang Happy Birthday about 12:05. I am happy to report, he was feeling much better in the morning after a few doses of antibiotics, and now seems to be on the rebound. I will post pictures of Paddy boy, once I get my camera back(I left it at Nana's over the weekend). So happy birthday Patrick, I can't believe my baby boy is 4!!

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